How Do We Count The Price Of Hair Transplantation?
The Hair transplantation prices are the most curious subject for who wants to have it. Hair is the most important element of aestetichal and physical appearance for both sides
Closed nose surgery is generally defined as ’a surgery without scars". Usually the patients who conctacted SEM start the conversation from question (Will I have scars?) This is the important thing especially if we are talking about the face area. Anybody doesnt want to have a bad appearance after the rhinoplasty. However, when it comes to rhinoplasty, the doctors opinion and your nose structure is important.
Closed Nose Surgery
Rhinoplasty is actually a technique. Surgeon makes an incisions under the wings of the nose, and enters into the nostrils. For this reason, there is no possibility of scarring after operation. This is the most preferable method by patients. But only the good specialist can choose for you the right method.
For closed method of rhinoplasty the surgeon should be qualified and specialized on this field because its hard operation. For this technique he uses a support which called retractor. After it he opens the skin to reach the nasal cartilage. For this technique, which is also known as the old method, our doctors of SEM have achieved successful results with their knowledges and experiences.
Today, both of techniques can be applied according to the structure of nose. The nose structure plays a big role on the decision of the process. If there is no functional or some other problems, it is preferred to have the closed nose surgery. If you want to correct the structure or to do the revision, your doctor will recommend you the opened one.
Your doctor will tell you during the examination the correct technique for the healthy renewal of your nose.
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